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Olympic Park 514 259-4553

Saint-Lambert 450 500-4554

Raymonde Fortin_ DenisPelletier, Prix Carole L Richard

OPPQ Carol L. Richard Award presented to Raymonde Fortin

21 November 2019     Author: Stadium PhysiOsteo     Categorie(s): Events

On November 10, 2019, the Professional Order of Physiotherapy (OPPQ) presented the Carol L. Richard Award to Raymonde Fortin, Chief Physiotherapist and Co-Owner of the STADIUM PhysiOsteo Clinics. Mr. Denis Pelletier, President of the OPPQ, presented this award at the Annual Congress of Physiotherapists PHYSIO360. “It is with great pride that the OPPQ presents the […]


David Apap, a physiotherapist with expertise in alpine skiing, joins the STADIUM team.

18 July 2019     Author: Stadium PhysiOsteo     Categorie(s): Team

The STADIUM team welcomes a new physiotherapist, David Apap at both clinics, Montreal and Saint-Lambert. David holds a master’s degree in physiotherapy from McGill University in 2015. He is certified in neuromuscular rehabilitation, manual therapy and yoga. David is a former professional skier on the European circuit as well as the Quebec’s University circuit. From […]


Cycling or biking: A few tips to help prevent knee injuries.

17 July 2019     Author: Stadium PhysiOsteo     Categorie(s): Tips

Did you know that the knee is the part of the body where there are the most overuse injuries among cyclists, both recreational and professional? Several risk factors may be the cause, such as poor equipment adjustment (including saddle height), poor body posture on the bike (particularly the alignment between the hip, knee and ankle), […]



You want to get back into shape? Running is a good idea!

17 July 2019     Author: Stadium PhysiOsteo     Categorie(s): Tips

You want to get back into shape but you’re not sure how or where to start. Running could be the answer: Here are a few tips to help you succeed and feel good about yourself. First, consult a physician or sports specialist before starting a running program. A biomechanical analysis with a physiotherapist or as […]


OPPQ’s Carol-L.-Richards Award awarded to Raymonde Fortin, physiotherapist

25 June 2019     Author: Stadium PhysiOsteo     Categorie(s): Team

Raymonde Fortin, physiotherapist and athletic therapist at the STADIUM PhysiOsteo clinics in Montreal and Saint-Lambert, recognized for her implication in physiotherapy. We are pleased and immensely proud to announce that Raymonde Fortin, physiotherapist, athletic therapist and co-owner of the Stadium Clinics, will be awarded the Carol-L.-Richards 2019 prize, by the OPPQ (Professional Order of Physiotherapy […]