Massage therapy

Several types of massage are offered and several training schools teach different techniques, with different philosophies and health designs.
We offer a combination of therapeutic massages and sports massages, which include the following techniques:
Swedish massage
Californian massage
Deep tissue massage
Deep transverse massage (Cyriax)
Deactivation of trigger points and different techniques to free scars and adhesions.
Essential oils, vacuum cups and heat are also used to offer comfort and more tissue release.
Sports massage
Sports massage is a specialty of massage therapy taught by some recognized schools and for which specific qualifications and examinations are required. The particularity of this approach includes, among others, massage techniques:
Pre event
Post event
For recovery
Deep tissue
Release of adhesions following injuries
Tissue softening in the presence of chronic pre-event injuries
Stretching using different methods
Therapeutic massage
Therapeutic massage is performed by massage therapists with a knowledge of medical conditions and is done in collaboration with another health care professional (physiotherapists, osteopaths, athletic therapists or acupuncturists). The massage therapist's intervention is part of a comprehensive treatment plan.
Other benefits of massage therapy
Massage can also have an effect on several systems (digestive, respiratory, musculoskeletal).
Here are some of its benefits:
Activates the blood and lymphatic circulation
Eliminates tensions
Improves joint mobility and muscle flexibility
Relieves pain and muscular fatigue
Allows general relaxation and can improve sleep
Can reduce headaches when they are related to muscle tension
Allows faster healing by promoting cell exchanges and decreasing edema