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Olympic Park 514 259-4553

Saint-Lambert 450 500-4554


Jean-Sébastien Roy, Osteopath

Physiotherapy technician

Jean-Sebastien Roy_Osteopath

Qualifications in osteopathy

  • Osteopath (2020); Quebec Osteopathic Centre (COQ)

  • Physiotherapy technician - Cégep Montmorency (2012)

  • Post-graduate training:
      • Motor control of the shoulder

      • Dizziness and vertigo

      • Motor control and proprioception of the lower quadrant

Jean-Sebastien in a nutshell

After graduating as a physical rehabilitation therapist in 2012, Jean-Sébastien decided to study osteopathy at the Osteopathic Centre of Quebec (COQ-2013-2019). His constant desire to learn, improve and better serve his clientele explains his decision to become an osteopath. Having worked as a rehabilitation therapist in various settings, he began working with an osteopathic approach in March of 2018.
Jean-Sébastien obtained his diploma in the fall of 2020. 

"I am curious and eager to learn about all aspects of the human body. My learning is about providing better treatments. There is no routine in osteopathy, each case is unique, and each treatment personalized."

Sports practiced / Leisure

Since his youth, Jean-Sébastien has participated in team sports. From school to adulthood, he participated in hockey, competitive soccer and volleyball. Currently, he still plays hockey and has picked-up running. His shoes have completed 1 marathon and 2 half marathons.

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