Athletic Therapists
Charlen Berry
Certified Athletic Therapist (CATA)
Osteopath D.O. Member of Ostéopathie Québec
Fibrolyse diacutanée
Head, neck, TMJ, cerebral concussions
Foot, ankle and lower extremities
French and english
Raymonde Fortin
Doctor of Physiotherapy
Certified Sports Therapist
FCAMPT Manual Therapy
Physiopuncture (PPAS), CAFCI
Diacutaneous Fibrolysis (Hooking)
French, English
Juliette Gallant
Certified athletic therapist
Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology
Sports First Responder
Triathlon, running, swimming, basketball, soccer, rugby, gymnastics, cycling
French, English
Christian Messier
Certified athletic Therapist CAT(C)
Osteopathic approach
Massage therapist (therapeutic and sports massage) FQM
Sports First Respondent
French and English
Magalie Belanger Serra
Bachelor’s degree in Athletic Therapy
Physiotherapy Technologist (OPPQ member)
Events Coordinator
French, English
Julie-anne Carrière
Certified Athletic Therapist
Sports First Responder
Gymnastics, diving, sailing, alpine skiing, football, basketball, soccer,
French, English,
Julie Coupal
Certified athletic therapist
Sports First Responder
French and English
Émilie Jutras-Stewart
Bachelor of Science in Human Kinetics
Bachelor’s degree in athletic therapy
Sport First Responder
French, English