Book an appointment

Olympic Park 514 259-4553

Saint-Lambert 450 500-4554


Christian Messier, Certified Athletic Therapist

Massage therapist


Qualifications in massage therapy and athletic therapy

  • Bachelor of Science, Athletic Therapy, Concordia University (1997)

  • Certification with the Canadian Athletic Therapy Association (CATA) 1998

  • 5 years of study at the College of Osteopathic Studies of Montreal (CEO-M) 2000-2005

  • Diploma of Sports Massage Therapist - Kine-Concept Institute 1994, FQM member

  • Sports First Responder

  • Bronze Cross (Lifesaving Society of Canada)

  • Several trainings in myofascial release, trigger points and strain-counterstain

  • Gray Cooks SFMA and FMS (Functional Injury Prevention Assessment Systems)

  • Kinesiotaping, sports taping

  • Use of essential oils for the care of specific injuries

Christian in a nutshell…

Christian has more than 20 years of experience in athletic therapy and massage therapy (therapeutic and sports). He has worked with elite athletes, namely in 3 Olympic Games and has more than 10 years of experience with a private clientele. His goal is to offer you the best care possible

Christian was part of our team at the very beginning, in the 2000s, he was later selected as a therapist for the national speed skating team. 15 years later, he is back and participates in our integrative therapy offer. Christian is a Certified Athletic Therapist and massage therapist with an osteopathic approach in all his treatments. He now has more than twenty years of experience and is still passionate about his profession.

Over the years, Christian has had the opportunity to work with elite athletes both in Canada, during 3 Olympic Games and for several international games as well. He also has more than 10 years of experience working with a diversified private clientele (active or wishing to become active).

"'My primary motivation is to rigorously research the causes of the injuries and to educate the patient so that they understand the nature of the pathology. I firmly believe that the healing process requires the patient’s involvement, which is why it’s important for the patient to fully understand the indications and contraindications and thus avoid constant exposure to risky movements/positions.

I like to help my patients better manage their condition and I promote their autonomy (no one should depend entirely on a therapist in my opinion)."

Coverage of sporting events

Christian has gained undeniable skills in the field, including international experiences in speed skating, figure skating, track and field, artistic swimming, wrestling, karate, Tae Kwon Do and triathlon, at the Olympic Games, Francophone Games, Pan American Games, World Cups and World Championships.

Christian has also worked as an assistant therapist and massage therapist with the Montreal Canadiens hockey club in 1997-98 and has been the head athletic therapist at the Montreal Grand Prix car racing, for racing staff (drivers, engineers, etc.), for the past 14 years.

He has also gained national and provincial experience in soccer, triathlon, gymnastics, football, rugby, swimming, basketball, volleyball, hockey and more...

Sports practiced / Leisure

Christian competes in hockey, soccer and rowing. He also participates in soccer, swimming, and strength training.

Christian also plays the acoustic guitar and practices skiing, volleyball, tennis and enjoys outdoor activities...

Partner in your health and performances !